- Asociacion Armera, Spain
- AECAC, The European Association of civil commerce of weapons
- AFEMS, Association of European Manufacturers of Sporting Ammunition
- AMACS, Association of Maltese Arms Collectors Shooters
- ANPAM, Associazione Nazionale Produttori Armi e Munizioni
- BDMP e V., Bund der Militär- und Polizeischützen e.V.
- BSSC, British Shooting Sports Council
- BVS, Bundesverband Schießstätten e.V.
- CILA, Canadian Institute for Legislative Action
- COLFO, Council of Licensed Firearm Owners - New Zealand
- ConArmI, Consorzio Armaioli Italiani
- DAAS, The Danish Arms and Amour Siciety
- DDS, De Danske Skytteforeninger
- DSB, Deutscher Schützenbund (German Shooting Sport Federation)
- DSSA, Danish Sport Shooters Association
- ESC, European Shooting Confederation
- FACE, Federation of Associations for Hunting & Conservation of the EU
- FAIR TRADE GROUP, Firearms Importers Roundtable Trade Group
- FESAC, Foundation of European Societies of Arms Collectors
- Finnish Arms Trade Association
- FITAV, Federazione Italiana Tiro a Volo - Italy
- FITDS, Federazione Italiana Tiro Dinamico Sportivo - Italy
- Forum Waffenrecht, Deutschland
- FSSF, Finnish Shooting Sport Federation
- IEACS, Institut Europeen des Armes de Chasse et de Sport
- IPSC, International Practical Shooting Confederation
- JSM, Verband der Hersteller von Jagd Sportwaffen und Munition - Germany
- NFA, Canada's National Firearms Association
- NRA, National Rifle Association - Institute for Legislative Action
- NRA FI, National Rifle Association of Finland
- NRAN, National Rifle Association of Norway
- NSSF, National Shooting Sports Foundation
- pro TELL, Switzerland
- Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Association of Japan, SAAMA of Japan
- SAAMI, Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute - USA
- SAF, Second Amendment Foundation - USA
- SAGA, South African Gunowners' Association
- SCI, Safari Club International
- SSAA, Sporting Shooters' Association of Australia Inc.
- UFA, Union des Fabricants et Artisan en équipements de chasse et de tir sportif
- VSK, Vlaamse Schutterskonfederatie